The Leadership Training Activity Book

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Leadership development is self-development. The quest for leadership is first an inner quest to discover who you are. That is clearly the premise of this wonderful collection of developmental activities. They guide learners on that fascinating journey of self-awareness and self-confidence that can only come from experiencing something in themselves for themselves.

Learning to lead is about discovering what you value. About what inspires you. About what challenges you. About what gives you power and competence. About what encourages you. When you discover these things about yourself, you’ll know what it takes to lead those qualities out of others.
I assure you that if you engage others in the experiences in this volume, that’s exactly what will happen.

Sometimes liberation is as uncomfortable as intrusion, but in the end when you discover it for yourself you know that what’s inside is what you found there and what belongs there. It’s not something put inside you by someone else; you discover you’ve had the gifts all along.

But just when you think that it’s the experience that’s the teacher, you quickly learn that it’s really not what this is all about. Experiential learning is essential to mastery, but there’s another critical lesson awaiting you and your learners.

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