Adobe Photoshop Restoration and Retouching 3rd Edition

Paperback: 472 pages | Publisher: New Riders Press; 3 edition
November 17, 2005 | ISBN: 0321316274 | PDF | 55.5MB


Whether you're a professional photographer or the family shutterbug, you can't afford to miss the third edition of the now classic Photoshop Restoration & Retouching. Katrin Eismann and co-author Wayne Palmer have reviewed, updated, and revised every single technique to address the most important features in Adobe Photoshop CS2. Clear step-by-step instructions using professional examples highlight the tools and techniques photographers, designers, restoration studios, and beauty retouchers use to restore valuable antique images, retouch portraits, and enhance glamour photography. With new example images illustrating the tutorials, Photoshop Restoration & Retouching, Third Edition will show you how to transform faded, damaged photographs into beautiful images that are as clear and crisp as the day they were taken-maybe even better-and how to turn casual snapshots and studio portraits into the most flattering images possible

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